apokalypsis: an uncovering

Works of installation and sculpture by Toddd and Francis Dot

show statement.

In their exhibition “apokálypsis: an uncovering”, Todd and Dot explore the intense redefinitions of spaces that began in 2020. The ways in which we relate to places, objects, and other people is undergoing a radical shift.

Like trees and fish whose growth rings tell the story of their environments, will art made during this time be imbued with the possibilities and consequences of apocalypse? How do our negative spaces have a different energetic charge?

With these questions in mind, the artists created this assemblage installation with multimedia objects; these objects stand in relation to the questions posed by grander cycles of space. As these unfamiliar edges of ancient sequences surface in our world, the artists hope to uncover new types of relational experiences for the viewers and participants.

©2025 Todd Molinari.  All original media are property of Todd Molinari.