The exhibitions, ranging from 2014 through the present, have a type of “eachness”. While there may be occasional threads of visual language and repetitions, each exhibition is a set-piece for working through ideas and responding to questions in real time. Following mercurial logic of each work of art contains everything it needs, the same is true for each exhibition. While there may be indications of development form there is room for experimentation with time and material.

apokalypsis: an uncovering

Works of installation and sculpture by Toddd and Francis Dot

show statement.

In their exhibition “apokálypsis: an uncovering”, Todd and Dot explore the intense redefinitions of spaces that began in 2020. The ways in which we relate to places, objects, and other people is undergoing a radical shift.

Like trees and fish whose growth rings tell the story of their environments, will art made during this time be imbued with the possibilities and consequences of apocalypse? How do our negative spaces have a different energetic charge?

With these questions in mind, the artists created this assemblage installation with multimedia objects; these objects stand in relation to the questions posed by grander cycles of space. As these unfamiliar edges of ancient sequences surface in our world, the artists hope to uncover new types of relational experiences for the viewers and participants.

Dream Sequence I & II

Four Weeks

Joint Compound

Artist(s) : Francis Dot, Kelly Marshall, Todd Molinari, Wade Schuster, Jenn Sova

Venue : after/time

Dates : Friday, August 13 - Sunday, August 29

Opening : Friday, August 13, 6-9pm

Install dates : Wednesday, August 11 & Thursday, August 12

Artist Conversation : Sunday, August 29th 2pm??

Deinstall dates :

curatorial statement.

Joint Compound is an assemblage exhibition that brings together works by the current members of the after/time collective, Francis Dot, Kelly Marshall, Todd Molinari, Wade Schuster, and Jenn Sova.

after/time is an organism that contains many parts. We view the collective members as the Joint Compound that seeps into all aspects of the work. The under-layer that supports the walls, artists, each other, our community, and practices. This material acts as an industrial compound as well as the invisible connective tissue. As collaborators, we value identifying, examining, and dismantling hierarchies as those inevitably arise. Similar to a rhizome, we see after/time as an assemblage, or grouping, of individuals that will continue to grow and change. Just as a rhizome does not have a beginning or end, after/time exists in the middle—connected through multiplicities.

Joint Compound explores this connection through alliance. An offering, an introduction to ourselves and to you. We come together as artists each with distinct practices, positionalities, and methods, yet joined together by our collective labor to dissolve boundaries of the whole.

Annihilation of Nature 5
size variable
carbon paper roll, pins, photosensitized paper and resin cast

©2025 Todd Molinari.  All original media are property of Todd Molinari.